3 Easy Ways to Promote Early Registration


February 21, 2014 by Ann Boss Maycock


We work with enough event organizers to know what keeps them up at night when preparing for an event:

  • Will I have a good turnout?
  • Will I earn enough money to cover all of my expenses?
  • Will there be enough participation/ competition for the attendees to have a good time?

While we can't predict the outcome of your event, we can help you get started on the right foot.  Encourage attendees to sign up early!  This is the best way to predict the success of your event with enough time to make adjustments if necessary.  Here's how to do it:

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Topics: Organizers

So You Want to Host a Track Event?


February 19, 2014 by Stacy King


If you've participated in track events for any length of time, you may have thought to yourself, "I bet I could do this!" But unless you've volunteered with an organization you may not know how to get started.

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Topics: Organizers

New Release and Waiver Form- BMW CCA and PCA


March 26, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

This week we released a new report for BMW CCA clubs- Release of Waiver and Liability Form.  We worked directly with the BMW CCA National Office on this one and have their official approval.  You'll find it in the Reports section of the Admin beneath the Detailed Reports (One-Pagers) section.

bmw_waiverThe form includes:

  • Pre-printed event name/ location and event date
  • Official language approved by BMW CCA National Office
  • Pre-printed attendee name in alphabetical order with space for their signature
  • Easy-to-print PDF format- MUST PRINT IN COLOR


And in case you missed it last year, we have a Release and Waiver Liability Form specifically for our PCA regions as well. It's approved by the PCA National Office, includes their official language and all of the other features noted above.

Questions? Give us a call, we'll walk you through it.

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Topics: Features

On the Road- Canadian Motorsport Expo


February 4, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli


Thursday we're headed to Toronto for our second visit to the Canadian Motorsport Expo.  We'll be showing off our new product RaceHero along side MotorsportReg.com, as well as catching up with customers.  Some great car clubs like Canadian Automobile Sports Club- Ontario Region and the Vintage Automobile Racing Association of Canada will be exhibiting as well as the race organizers from Targa Newfoundland.  And if you're into NASCAR, the King himself, Richard Petty, will be making an appearance.

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Topics: Travel

Pre-Season Countdown - 3 Ways to Prepare for an AWESOME Season


January 31, 2014 by Ann Boss Maycock

staging_lights_2With the excitement of a new season (and possibly a reality check from the weather), you might not realize that it's time to get down to business! And if you haven't started your season yet, it's fast approaching.

We've put together a pre-season checklist to help you prep for a winning season:

3. Set up a membership event- Get this annual pain in the b*tt task out of the way and make it easier for you and your members by accepting online membership renewals.

2. Create a gift certificate event - There's a whole year of holidays and special occasions ahead of us (Valentine's Day is just around the corner).  Give your participants the chance to get a gift they really want!

1. Get your events listed early - Do it NOW!  900,000 people looked at our calendar last year and they're already determining which events they're going to attend this year.

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Topics: Features, Organizers

FREE Webinar- 7 Habits of Highly Successful Driving Instructors


January 29, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

Coaching-Colin-Braun-300x225Back in 2003, our founder, Brian Ghidinelli, started MotorsportReg in exchange for some track time at an HPDE event held by his local BMW CCA club.  You could say that this company was built on DE events.  Ten years and 13,000 events later, we haven't forgotten the key role driving instructors play in attracting and encouraging new drivers to our sport.

To thank all of those instructors out there, and continue the education process, we've teamed up with Ross Bentley to present a very exciting FREE webinar-

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Topics: Webinar

New Facebook Algorithm Update Could be Bad for Your Club


January 24, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

If you post to your organization's Facebook page, you need to read this!

facbook_logoOn Tuesday Facebook made some significant changes to the way your status updates are ranked in the News Feed.  According to Facebook, people generally don't like to interact with text updates (an update with text only, no images, or a text with a link only) from companies as much as text updates from their friends. So they've decided to demote the importance of text updates from companies in the News Feed.

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Topics: Marketing

Creating an AWESOME Registration Form- Entice & Inform


January 21, 2014 by Stacy King

This is the second part of a blog series we started in December covering the 3 guiding principles for AWESOME registration forms:

  1. Entice
  2. Inform
  3. Guide

Today's blog post will focus on Enticing and Informing your attendees.

Don't leave your attendees out to dry

ConfusedDogWhether you use your online registration forms as a stand-alone event information and registration portal, or simply a means of collecting your attendees' data, you don't want to leave them wondering what to do next after they click the Register button.

Make the first thing your participants see welcoming and exciting. Let them know how excited you are that they are considering your event. And confirm that they are in the right place by repeating the event's name and date.

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Topics: Organizers

Get Your Events Listed NOW!


January 16, 2014 by Ann Boss Maycock


The Early Bird Gets the Worm

It's a well-used saying, but if the shoe fits... well, you know what I'm going to say next.

Many attendees are planning for the entire season, both budget wise and time-wise, right now.    And they're coming to our National Calendar (all 900,000 of them) to look for events.  So if your event is not listed, chances are they're choosing an event from another organization.

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Topics: Marketing

The Promotion Calendar Every Event Organizer Needs


January 14, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

If you caught our end-of-year statistics blog you already know that 900,000 unique visitors looked at events on our National Event Calendar last year!  So just having your events listed on our calendar is a great way to promote it. But that's not enough.

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