3 Easy Ways to Promote Early Registration


February 21, 2014 by Ann Boss Maycock


We work with enough event organizers to know what keeps them up at night when preparing for an event:

  • Will I have a good turnout?
  • Will I earn enough money to cover all of my expenses?
  • Will there be enough participation/ competition for the attendees to have a good time?

While we can't predict the outcome of your event, we can help you get started on the right foot.  Encourage attendees to sign up early!  This is the best way to predict the success of your event with enough time to make adjustments if necessary.  Here's how to do it:

  1. Post your event early. People plan ahead. If you get your event listed now, attendees can plan on being at your event. Over 900,000 people looked at our calendar last year and they're already considering which events they're going to attend this year. If you don’t have all of the information for your event yet, just fill in the basics.  Also, a lot of participants check the event attendee list to see who's coming before they sign up. So just getting a few names on that list early might create a snowball effect for your event. 
  2. Use deferred payment processing. This allows attendees to register now without having to pay now, a great benefit for attendees with cash flow concerns. Their registration is guaranteed by putting a credit card on file, much like a hotel reservation, but the charge isn't put through until closer to the event date (or any date the organizer chooses). This is a selling point, so be sure to advertise it -- especially on the first page of your event.
  3. Incentivize early action.  Take a positive approach to encourage early registration by offering an early registration discount instead of penalizing for late registration. Recognize the behavior you want and reward it.

Easy! Now that you know how to encourage early registrations, get the word out about your great events and registration options.  Use our built-in email blaster, social media and your organization's website to publicize the direct link for the event, a link to your private landing page on MSR, a hash tag or QR code. eBook: How to Run Your Own Track Event


Topics: Organizers

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