New Release and Waiver Form- BMW CCA and PCA


March 26, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

This week we released a new report for BMW CCA clubs- Release of Waiver and Liability Form.  We worked directly with the BMW CCA National Office on this one and have their official approval.  You'll find it in the Reports section of the Admin beneath the Detailed Reports (One-Pagers) section.

bmw_waiverThe form includes:

  • Pre-printed event name/ location and event date
  • Official language approved by BMW CCA National Office
  • Pre-printed attendee name in alphabetical order with space for their signature
  • Easy-to-print PDF format- MUST PRINT IN COLOR


And in case you missed it last year, we have a Release and Waiver Liability Form specifically for our PCA regions as well. It's approved by the PCA National Office, includes their official language and all of the other features noted above.

Questions? Give us a call, we'll walk you through it.

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