My Biggest Pet Peeve- No Links!


May 6, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

Even though I've mentioned this in several blogs, (and it seems like common sense to me), you would be SHOCKED by how many people don't include the link to registration when promoting their events!



I see it in social media posts, emails, forums, you name it.  And every time, I just shake my head and think- "but you haven't provided the most CRITICAL piece of information!!!"

Well now I know I'm not the crazy one.

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Topics: Marketing

My Time in Timing & Scoring


May 1, 2014 by Ann Boss Maycock

stopwatch_-_blogBack in March, I took a field trip down to Road Atlanta for the SCCA Majors event. But I didn't just go as a spectator. I wanted to learn more about the Timing & Scoring (T&S) function and see first-hand how our upcoming new product, RaceHero, might play a key role in the process.

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Topics: Misc

Portrait of a Motorsport Event Organizer


April 29, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

A couple of weeks ago we shared the results of a survey we did last year to see if you have what it takes to be a motorsport event organizer. Turns out if you're organized, pay attention to details and have good communication skills, you're probably suited for the role.

Now let's look at what kind of people actually are organizers. Below are some charts that illustrate the demographics of the people who took our survey. Some surprising, some predictable, but all still interesting. 

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Topics: Organizers

Pole Position- PCA Potomac, The Founders' Region's Michael Handelman


August 3, 2016 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

 Back in 2012 we attended the Porsche Parade event in Salt Lake City and chatted with a few of the officers from the Potomac Founder’s Region of the PCA about coming on board with MotorsportReg. After a thorough vetting period and some customization, PCA Potomac opened their first event in early 2013 and quickly became one of our largest customers.

michaelhandelmanMichael Handelman, current Secretary and Co-Webmaster, is one of our more tech-savvy organizers. He frequently provides feedback on how we can improve the site to make it easier on organizers and attendees alike. You can thank him for more than a few of the updates we’ve pushed in the last year!

He bought his first Porsche about 5 years ago. He wanted one ever since he was a teenager but could never justify it. After he paid his last tuition payment for his youngest son, he decided it was time to get one and has loved every moment since! He’s enjoyed taking it cross country and attending several concours, drive and dines, rallies, and driver's education (high speed driving). We chatted with Michael about the keys to putting on big, successful events.

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Topics: Customers, Pole Position

Changes to Email Blaster (or, How I Hate noreply Addresses)


April 19, 2014 by Brian Ghidinelli

Yahoo's DMARC change, how it broke your email and what we're doing to fix itOn Friday, we pushed a significant change to our email blaster which has a major impact on how you send email from MotorsportReg and (hopefully) a minor impact on how you receive responses to those emails.

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Topics: Misc

4 Common Gripes About Your Registration Pages


April 18, 2014 by Stacy King

Here at MotorsportReg we pride ourselves on having one of the best customer service and support experiences in the business.  Not only do we support our end-customers, the event organizers, but we also support their end customer, participants.  In fact many participants who email or call us, don't realize that  we're not the ones putting on the events.  That's why we promote that using MSR is like adding another member to your team!  Last week alone we received nearly 1,200 emails and 180 phone calls.

We thought it might be educational (and interesting) to share some of the gripes we get from attendees about registration forms.  Below are a few of the most common ones (in no particular order).

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Topics: Marketing, Organizers

Do You Have What it Takes to be a Motorsport Event Organizer?


April 15, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

ChecklistLast fall we surveyed our event organizers on a variety of topics and one of the questions we asked was

"What skills are required in your role as an event organizer?" 

Perhaps if you've never been an event organizer you might guess that the answer is "must love cars /motorcycles /karts (fill in the appropriate vehicle)".  Turns out that answer didn't come up once. 

So what does it take?  Below are the top 7 answers from our survey.

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Audi Club Release and Waiver Form is Live


April 10, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

Audi Club Chapters we just made your event weekends a little easier!  We released a new report- Release and Waiver of Liability that will save you some time in your registration lines.Audi_Waiver

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Topics: Features

Heartbleed Vulnerability Response


April 9, 2014 by Brian Ghidinelli

heartbleedYou have likely received a number of emails or seen blog and social media posts regarding security vulnerability CVE-2014-0160 which is being called the Heartbleed Bug. It affects OpenSSL, an underlying library which encrypts information sent across 60% of the Internet. It's what powers the "S" in https:// when you access secure web sites so you see the lock icon in your web browser.

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How Do You Steer This Thing?


April 9, 2014 by Brian Ghidinelli


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Topics: Racing

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