Make every event better than the last with surveys in MSR


February 9, 2022 by Ann Boss Maycock

Following any event, one of the most important things to do as an event organizer is collect feedback from your attendees to learn about their experience, needs and expectations. Post event surveys will provide your team with actionable insights which can be used to create strategies for future event improvements and ensure continued success.

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Topics: Features, Updates, Organizers

Best Practices: Event Advertisement Page


December 14, 2021 by Tim Wahl

Your event advertisement page plays a critical role in converting interested page visitors to registered attendees. Done correctly, this page should answer the majority of questions a potential participant may have about your event and provide a compelling event description which entices them to proceed to registration. At a minimum, this page should communicate the who, what, where, when, why, and how much of your event. Having seen thousands of these pages, here are a few best practices we'd highly recommend you incorporate into your event advertisement pages for the 2022 season.

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Topics: FAQ, Customers, Marketing, Misc, Organizers

Vehicle Questions have received an upgrade!


November 30, 2021 by Wyndi Marston

Here at Hagerty MSR we see many different types of events. All of them (with just a few exceptions) have two things in common: tires and a motor. What goes around those tires and motor varies greatly depending on the organization, the discipline, the event, and the vehicle.  

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Do you know who has admin access to your club's MSR account?


November 12, 2021 by Brent Whitten

When was the last time you audited the administrative users within your MSR account? The answer to this for many clubs in MSR is “never”, which exposes your organization to some level of risk which you may not be comfortable with. 

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Topics: FAQ, Customers, Misc, Features, Organizers

The Power of the New Navigation: Filter, Sort, Export, and more.


November 4, 2021 by Sarah Brown

In our last post Faith gave a rundown of the new admin navigation interface, and now I'm here to share some of the great new functionality that it offers.

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Topics: Customers, Features, Updates, Organizers, UI, UX

What happened to the old admin navigation?


October 21, 2021 by Faith Chaussee

As a member of the Hagerty MotorsportReg Customer Success team, I have the sincere pleasure of working with so many of you, our customers, on a daily basis. If you've ever written in to our support box, there is a good chance we've worked together to troubleshoot one thing or another. I have nothing but respect and admiration for everything our event organizers do to facilitate outstanding events for their attendees, and I'm honored to help wherever and whenever I can. 

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Topics: FAQ, Customers, Updates, Organizers

Attendee List Overhaul


August 6, 2021 by Chris Redrich

Attendee List Optimized for Mobile

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Topics: Updates, Organizers, Design, UX

New Event Advertisement Design


August 2, 2021 by Chris Redrich

A key roadmap theme for 2021 has been to redesign the main attendee experience for MotorsportReg. Starting with the event calendar, then moving to the registration form in the first quarter, and now an all-new event advertisement. 

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Topics: Updates, Organizers, Design, UX

Meet the newest addition to our team and yours...


July 30, 2021 by Brent Whitten

We’re excited to share that we’ve recently added a new role to the Hagerty MotorsportReg team, which we hope you’ll view as an extension of your team.

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Topics: News

New Demo: SpeedWaiver / MSR Integration Within Check-in Experience


July 23, 2021 by Brent Whitten

Verifying SpeedWaivers during check-in is about to get easier...

As referenced in our May blog post, work has been underway to integrate SpeedWaiver into the MotorsportReg check-in experience. We're excited to share a brief video demo of this new capability, which will be launching soon. Please check it out and let us know what you think. 

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Topics: Features, Updates, Organizers

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