Ann Boss Maycock

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This Is No Trick! Setting Up Social Event Registration is a Snap


October 31, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock



Speaking of Halloween, are you holding a holiday party for your club members or participants? How about a year-end banquet?  MotorsportReg makes organizing your social events as fun and easy as organizing your driving events.

Here are a few of the treats you'll get:

  • Find out who's attending
  • Know exactly how many of each meal option you need
  • Allow attendees to choose the table they want to sit at or the session they want to attend
  • Make it easy for your attendees to find because your event is listed on our national event calendar

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Topics: Features, Organizers

How to Run Easy & Accurate Elections on


September 13, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock


Does running your annual election take a lot of effort?  It doesn't have to. 

Say goodbye to the snail mail ballots and data entry and use our automated Elections tool. This easy to-use-feature is free to our Premium-plan customers. The setup is simple and since many of your members already have accounts with us, it'll be easy for them to cast their vote. 

Here are just a few of the benefits of running automated elections:

  • Accurate – eliminate data entry errors
  • Timely – automatic tabulation; know your results the minute the election closes
  • Anonymous – results can be viewed in aggregate, but individual votes remain private
  • Cost-Effective – eliminates printing and postage expense (one organization saved $3,000 in their first year!)
  • Controlled Access – optionally verifies memberships if you only want to allow current members to vote
  • Multi-Purpose – collects member email addresses for results dissemination (or other important organizational information) using the built-in email blaster

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Topics: Features

Audi Club Membership Verification


October 23, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

Audi Club

Audi Club North America has joined the ranks of marque car clubs using automated membership verification with! This feature allows you to automatically verify an attendee’s membership status at the time of registration. And, you can instantly verify an attendee's membership directly from their profile.

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Topics: Features

Pit Stop- Viewing Attendee Credits


August 12, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

pitstopBambi851 copyQ: I put a future credit on an attendee’s account. Where can they see it and how does it get applied? A: An attendee can view credits on their account by doing the following:

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Topics: Features

Pit Stop- How to Update the Treasurer Information


August 12, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

pitstopBambi851 copyQ: Our club has a new treasurer. How do we update that information in

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Pit Stop- How to Adjust Payment Settings After Registration Opens


August 12, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

pitstopBambi851 copyQ: Can I change payment settings after I’ve opened registration?

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Topics: Features, Pit Stop

Pit Stop- I Want MY Car Number!


August 12, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

Car Numbers Q: I can’t complete my registration because I can’t get my car number. What should I do?

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Topics: FAQ, Pit Stop

Pit Stop- Restricting Visibility Date


August 9, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

photo by Bambi851 @ When should I use the Restrict Visibility by Date function on the Form Layout?

A: You ONLY need to use that function when you have an item on the Registration Form Layout that you want to show up for a limited period of time. A good example of when you want to use this feature is a late fee that you want to kick in 5 days before online registration closes.

You do NOT need to have the visibility of every item on the Registration Form Layout restricted by date if the items are available for the same time period registration is open. This creates issues and extra work when the event is cloned and the dates need to be updated.

You can find examples and more information in our help documentation found here.

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Topics: Features

Pit Stop- Cancellation Fees and Negative Packages


August 14, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

photo by Bambi851 @ Q: I refunded an attendee’s payment, less a $30 cancellation fee, per our policy. How do I account for that the difference in the amount they paid and the amount that I refunded to them?

A: You can create a Cancellation Fee package to apply to the registration when an attendee cancels.  Then you refund them all but the amount of the cancellation fee. Here are the steps to do that:

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Topics: FAQ, Features

Pit Stop- Free Refunds


August 12, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

photo by Bambi851 @
Q: Are refunds really free now?

A: Yes, refunds are indeed free! This means that you are not charged a credit card processing fee when refunding an attendee payment online.  However, the credit card processing fee assessed on the original transaction is not refunded.

When you process a refund, you are prompted to enter the amount, allowing you to decide exactly how much to refund. Depending upon your cancellation policy, you have the capability of deducting the original credit card processing fee from the refunded amount.

Q: I went to refund an attendee, but I don’t see the red refund button. I know it was there the other day. Why can’t I see it now?

A: In order to process a refund, you need to have money in your “kitty” to refund with.  If a pay period has just ended (on the 15th and last day of the month), your money is no longer in your kitty as it’s in the process of being sent to you.

For example, if it’s May 1, the pay period just ended on 4/30 and your money is in transit. There won’t be any money in your kitty to refund with.  As soon as you receive enough in new registration fees to cover the refund, the red refund button will appear.

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