This Is No Trick! Setting Up Social Event Registration is a Snap


October 31, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock



Speaking of Halloween, are you holding a holiday party for your club members or participants? How about a year-end banquet?  MotorsportReg makes organizing your social events as fun and easy as organizing your driving events.

Here are a few of the treats you'll get:

  • Find out who's attending
  • Know exactly how many of each meal option you need
  • Allow attendees to choose the table they want to sit at or the session they want to attend
  • Make it easy for your attendees to find because your event is listed on our national event calendar

Even if your social event has unique considerations, it's easy to get started.  With our social event templates you just select a template when you create your new event, and then customize the details to meet your specific needs.  Here are a few common examples:

Banquets/ Parties

Attendees frequently bring guests to social events.  You'll want to include them in your head count and likely capture their name. You may also need to collect meal preferences in order to give an accurate count to the caterer or banquet facility. We have a template for that!

When you create your new event, simply click on the “Use a Template” button and select either the "Banquet - with Guests and Meal Options" or the "Banquet - Simple Format."

Annual Meetings

Take advantage of the fact that your attendees are already familiar with using MSR. Use the event registration form to present meeting options like which sessions they want to attend or areas of interest. And collect any meeting-related information, like whether they're staying at the hotel where the event is being held. We have a template for that!

Actually we have two. Choose from “Meeting - with Areas-of-Interest & Meals” or “Meeting - Simple Format”.

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