The 3 Guiding Principles for AWESOME Registration Forms


November 20, 2013 by Stacy King

Why is a great registration page so important?


As motorsport event organizers, we have the privilege of hosting events that let us share our sport with others, bring friends together, and experience shared community among petrol heads. A lot of effort goes into making sure all our bases are covered at the track, and the online registration process is an integral part of setting the tone for your entire event.

Attendees don't want to "work" to get registered for an event. With lots of competition out there, having a registration process that works for the attendee, instead of against, means the difference between someone attending YOUR event, or the other guy's. Based on our experience hosting registrations for over 13,000 events, we've compiled a few guiding principles to make your registration form really stand out from the crowd.

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Topics: Organizers

This Is No Trick! Setting Up Social Event Registration is a Snap


October 31, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock



Speaking of Halloween, are you holding a holiday party for your club members or participants? How about a year-end banquet?  MotorsportReg makes organizing your social events as fun and easy as organizing your driving events.

Here are a few of the treats you'll get:

  • Find out who's attending
  • Know exactly how many of each meal option you need
  • Allow attendees to choose the table they want to sit at or the session they want to attend
  • Make it easy for your attendees to find because your event is listed on our national event calendar

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Topics: Features, Organizers

Save Time by Automatically Enforcing Run Group Maximums


October 2, 2013 by Stacy King

To be able to cap specific groups... you must first have specific groups to cap


Many events have limitations on how many cars can be in any one run group (HPDE, PDX, etc). Instead of keeping a constant watch on who's registering for what, organizers can set up the registration form to enforce limits automatically.

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Topics: Organizers

How to Create Non Standard Venues


September 25, 2013 by Stacy King

Q: My event doesn't really have a traditional venue. How can accommodate that?

A: By using the custom venue function creatively!

While most events on take place at a specific location (at a track, in the parking lot of a particular business, even an abandoned airport), there are more and more events that don't have a specific location. 

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Topics: Organizers

5 Harsh Realities Every Organizer Must Face


September 17, 2013 by Stacy King

1. Attendees make the best testers

Kitten_pot_facepalm ... No matter how much you test and plan, your attendees WILL find oversights in your registration process
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Topics: Organizers

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