5 Harsh Realities Every Organizer Must Face


September 17, 2013 by Stacy King

1. Attendees make the best testers

Kitten_pot_facepalm ... No matter how much you test and plan, your attendees WILL find oversights in your registration process

 2. Some people will not read or follow directions 

funny_animals_facepalm_05 ...making you seriously question the validity of the statement: "There are no stupid questions"

3. You will find an error in the schedule you created 

puppy_facepalm ... immediately after printing enough for every participant and their guests

 4. You will realize you left something very important at home

polar-bear-facepalm ... an hour into your trip to the event

5. You will end up buying a replacement for something that works perfectly well


... see #4


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