🆕 Self-service memberships and licenses


February 4, 2024 by Nicole Papadopoulos

Your memberships, licenses, and other credentials are now available under your participant's "My Account" page for self-service viewing and printing. 

Your attendees can view cards, print, and see their credential history!

This feature is disabled by default. You must enable it for your credentials.

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Motorsports enthusiasts and race organizers propel Hagerty’s MotorsportReg to record highs in event registrations, website visits and customer service


January 31, 2024 by Nicole Papadopoulos

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., January 30, 2024 - Hagerty, Inc., (NYSE: HGTY) an automotive enthusiast brand and leading specialty vehicle insurance provider, today announced that MotorsportReg (MSR), the world’s largest motorsport events calendar, set all-time highs in 2023 for event registrations, usage and customer service.

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DYK: Surveys and Elections


January 23, 2024 by Nicole Papadopoulos

Elections are surveys that guarantee anonymous aggregated results for a secure ballot. Did you know customers can conduct secure and auditable elections with membership verification? MSR can also provide access to third-party auditors. This can be for both National and Chapter level elections and the results can be anonymous, if desired. This feature is available now for premium plan customers.


  • Run secure auditable elections on MSR.
  • Eliminate the need to use paper ballots or pay for another online election system. 

Video Walkthrough of Surveys and Elections

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Did you know? Control your forms with Groups & Branches


January 2, 2024 by Nicole Papadopoulos

MSR offers many features that can help streamline your event setup process. To help you get the most out of the platform, we will begin posting educational materials on various topics, starting with the differences between branches and groups on your registration forms and how to use them.

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SpeedWaiver, Search, and RaceHero Updates


December 27, 2023 by Ryan Cunningham

The MSR team has been making enhancements across the platform as we start to spool up for the 2024 season. Below are a few recent updates around SpeedWaiver, Search and RaceHero. Be sure to keep an eye on the bell icon in the upper righthand corner in MSR in the coming months with more enhancements on the way! 

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Topics: Features, API

Product Updates and Enhancements


October 23, 2023 by Ryan Cunningham

The Product and Engineering team has been hard at work making improvements across the platform. As we deliver new features we always want to learn from the usage, and iterate on them to make it more valuable to you in your day-to-day use of the platform. One of those recent learnings and subsequent improvements is that now on our list screens (People, Attendees, and Entries) we are no longer persisting the search when you search for a name. This was a recent change implemented with the Saved Views feature and was causing more unnecessary clicks for many organizers, so this fix will save you valuable time. If you have not checked out our Saved Views feature yet, here is the blog post with more information.

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New Saved Views Feature


August 31, 2023 by Ryan Cunningham

We are excited to announce the release of one of our most requested features: Saved Views. This feature is available today on the People, Attendees, and Entries list screens.

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Topics: Features, Updates

New Events API and Widget


August 31, 2023 by Ryan Cunningham

We released an exciting new GraphQL API for Developers and are looking for early adopters. The new API offers a more flexible way of querying and retrieving event listings in a format that works well for you. It can be used to get back events for your specific org, build a calendar of nearby events, and more. If you want to learn more about the GraphQL API and the flexibility it provides, please go to our public API documentation.

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SpeedWaiver Enhancements!


May 19, 2023 by Ryan Cunningham

The team at MSR has made some big improvements to SpeedWaiver. In addition to recently adding the event name to the waiver to assist in event day operations at venues with many events going on at once, we have also fixed the issue where the minor waiver option was not present when a direct invite was sent from MSR. We have also made process changes within SpeedWaiver that should alleviate some of the issues and confusion that stem from signing minor waivers and help reduce the amount of second and third attempt SpeedWaivers, saving you money on waivers and time on event day! Going forward, when an attendee navigates to a SpeedWaiver link they will now be presented with the below screen with three options if minor waivers are enabled for your organization.

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Topics: Updates, UI, UX

Cross-Event Reports Now Available!


April 6, 2023 by Ryan Cunningham

One of the most requested reporting features that we have received is the ability to view a report that effectively and seamlessly pulls data across multiple events. Being able to do this will allow you to analyze how certain events performed financially compared to others, see participation across events, and track other organizational metrics for future decision making. Now available for Premium customers on the Reports page within MSR are four new cross-event reports! 

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Topics: Features, Updates

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