Happy New Year everyone!
We're hoping 2016 is your best season yet so we're giving you a few tips to prepare your organization for takeoff!
1. List all of your events NOW
We already have nearly 850 events listed on our calendar for 2016! It's fair to say that's the most we've ever had at this time of year (maybe my yearly reminders are working). Why list them so early? Because with time and money constraints, participants are making their buying decisions earlier and earlier. Get on their schedule now before their weekends start filling up and their wallets start drying up! And that doesn't mean you have to set up an entire event on MotorsportReg. Just add a placeholder with the date and location and fill in the rest later.
2. Plan out your event promotions
Now that you've added your 2016 events to the calendar, take it one step further and plan out how you're going to promote them. Use our free promotion calendar as a guide for each of your events to determine what kind of promotion you should do when. Filling out this calendar template is actually pretty simple but the organization and direction it gives you for the rest of the year will make a world of difference in getting the word out about your event. Don't let your events suffer because you're not organized or prepared!
3. Learn something new
When I'm planning out my goals for the new year, I like to do some review and research to figure out how I can improve on what I'm already doing. We have some great free resources in our organizer library that are definitely worth your time. You'll find tips on filling your events, how to use email and social media to re-engage your attendees, how to promote your club like a pro, and a few other goodies. And if you happen to do a little driving/ riding on the side- check out our drivers library.
4. Take your MSR event pages to the next level
We released a boat-load of new features in 2015. You can read all the details here, here, here, here, here and here. Yep that's a lot! But take just a few minutes to glance through the updates to see if there's a new feature that will make your registration forms easier to use, more automated or just better looking. We make it super easy to clone your previous event and we encourage you to do that. But if you're cloning the same event that was first set up a few years ago, chances are there's a better way of doing it now.
5. Brush up on your skills
Some of you only run a few events a year and when you log back into MotorsportReg to start setting up this year's events, you don't quite remember what to do. Don't sweat it! We have a quick event refersher video to help you clear out the cobwebs and get back to your mid-season stride.
6. Clean up your users
No one likes to hear it and no one likes to do it. But now is a good time to review your administrative users in MotorsportReg. As we've helped move our organizers over to the new payment system, we've seen countless examples of inactive club members who still have administrative access to MotorsportReg. No bueno.
Photo credit: GovWin a Deltek Network