interviews Brian Ghidinelli


August 14, 2013 by Claire Lanyado

INTERVIEW WITH BRIAN GHIDINELLI (MOTORSPORTREG.COM) Icon is an online registration management tool for driving and social events.

I interviewed Brian Ghidinelli, founder to find out more. This interview is the hundred and seventh in a series of DW interviews. Big thank you to Brian for the interview!

How would you describe in under 50 words?brianghidinelli

We make it easier and more fun to organize and attend motorsport and automotive events. Organizers around the country take online registrations, manage participants and streamline their workflow. Attendees find new events, get registered quickly and have great experiences with their friends and cars without all the red tape.

Describe yourself in one sentence.

I have three passions in life: driving racecars, travel and being an entrepreneur.

Where are you based?

Across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco and 15 minutes from one of the most famous racetracks in America, Sears Point/Infineon Raceway.

After college you started, ran and sold an internet consultancy and today run your second start-up, Pukka Software, which developed What were the main influences that led you to startup?

It’s a combination of a strong work ethic and DIY influence growing up. My father was a partner in an accounting firm and was “the boss”. When I was seven years old, I had my own construction company of Tonka trucks building a subdivision in the garden. In the 6th grade, I bought candy in bulk and resold it at school for a crazy margin. I started a lawn-mowing and yard maintenance business in high school, ran a modem-based bulletin board system and organized an International digital art group. When I got to college, I used my credit card terminal to charge cash-strapped students to get into our house parties. I’ve always had a little hustle in me.

See the complete interview.
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Move & Copy Registrations


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

Things come up. Plans change. Cars break. A registrar who hasn't received a cancellation or rescheduling request has never organized an event. While many organizations have strict cancellation policies, there are often legitimate reasons for leniency. We know of at least one attendee who wrecked their car on the way to the track, ending their weekend before it started. These are moments of opportunity by being flexible. A credit towards a future event keeps the participant with your organization (and their entry fees) and turns a customer into an advocate.

Now you have to turn policy into action. How do you move their registration to a future event? Or how can you take a season subscription, like for Autocross, and enter the driver in all 10 events after they pay a one-time discounted entry fee? How can you help a busy parent reschedule their teenager's Street Survival entry for a couple of months down the road?

Screenshot of the new copy feature link on the registration screenEnter our new attendee copy feature. Whether you want to copy the registration details to one event or ten, you can quickly select and migrate all of the details to future events.

One of the benefits of is that each event can be configured differently meaning options available for the original event may not be available for future events. That's OK - we automatically try to link up your fees and questions and let you massage them in the event we can't find a match.

For more details, check out the documentation.
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Topics: Features

Webinar Recording Posted


August 14, 2013 by Claire Lanyado

photo of guy on a webinar by first webinar was a success with 18 organizers coming to pick up tips and tricks from our first topic, "How to Use Faster". Our goal is to improve your user experience and make organizing events easier and more fun. If you would like to view the recording, visit our Webinar Archives.
This is what we covered:
  • Keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate the site quickly
  • Making bulk changes to registrations
  • Saving and tailoring reports
  • How to send emails to people listed in reports
  • New Revenue Report
  • Onsite check in
  • Registering people manually as an administrator
  • Finding people who have used MSR but not participated with your organization
  • Assigning students to instructors

We will be doing more webinars in the future. We welcome your requests for what you would like to learn.  You can email us or post your comments below.

Interested in receiving updates on future webinars?  Sign up below:

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Topics: Webinar

How You Can Be Faster On MSR


August 14, 2013 by Claire Lanyado

We are presenting an interactive webinar series to help you use MSR. Each webinar will have a different subject, with time for questions and answers. This is a great opportunity for you to learn tips and tricks and cover areas where you need help. Brian will speak for about 25 minutes and then answer questions during the second half.

Our First MSR webinar is on July 3, 2012 at 10am Pacific Time / 1pm Eastern Time.

See the agenda below for our first webinar and join us for a great learning experience.

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Topics: Webinar coming to PCA Parade!


June 11, 2013 by Claire Lanyado


MotorsportReg will be at the 57th Annual PCA Parade in Salt Lake City starting Tuesday, July 9!  We’re coming to support the 34 Regions, 2 Zones and National Office who use MSR today as well as make new friends. Come and visit our booth in the Hospitality Room for a demo of our new online check-in feature or just to say hello and ask questions. We’ll also be showing off our new PCA membership verification (PCA Membership Verification).

We already attended the SCCA and BMW CCA conventions this year and are excited to spend time with the PCA!  Salt Lake City is home to many long-time customers including Miller Motorsports Park, Lapping Days and PCA – Intermountain Region.
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Topics: Travel

Tracking results for editorial calendars


August 14, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

Editorial calendars help you plan what, where and when to post content online

We gave two presentations earlier this year at the BMW CCA and SCCA National Convention on social media strategy for car clubs. One of our recommendations was to use an editorial calendar in order to help plan content and marketing in advance. So long as everything remains in the head of a single volunteer, it's impossible to share the workload. We saw many eyes grow wide with excitement as we talked about scheduling all of the emails, Facebook posts and tweets for an event in one sitting using a social media dashboard like

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Topics: Marketing

PCA and BMW CCA Membership Verification


September 9, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

In 2009 we launched our first membership verification service where any organization could upload a file of valid members or participants and validate against it using rules on their registration form. We simultaneously released our first integration to support real-time verification for Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) organizers.

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Topics: Features

Online Attendee Check In


August 14, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

icon for new Checked In attendee statusWe've always worked to reduce the amount of paper needed leading up to an event. Killing spreadsheets is our guilty pleasure. But in most cases the time comes when the registrar prints out a final set of reports, shuts down the computer and heads to the event relying only on paper. Today, we're excited to introduce a new "Checked In" status and the corresponding on-site Check In feature that helps eliminate paper at the event too!

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Topics: Features

Improved SCCA Weekend Membership Billing


August 14, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

Sports Car Club of America logoLast year we helped our SCCA customers process more than 2000 weekend memberships online rather than having the participant fill out a triple-carbon form at the event during registration. It saves a ton of time, keeps lines short and removes one more paperwork roadblock to having fun. If you are an SCCA region and aren't familiar with how to sell weekend memberships in advance, check out the overview.

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Topics: Features

Changes to Autocross PAX


October 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

Autocrossing Mustang by Randy_fThe recent introduction of three new indexed classes from SCCA National (RTA, RTR and RTF) have led us to a lot of discussion about PAX support in This is not an SCCA-specific issue as many BMW CCA and PCA groups also have indexed classes for their autocrosses. I won't say we have been wrong for the last ~five years since adding class modifiers, but we certainly could have been more right.

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Topics: Features

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