SCCA National Convention '10


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

2010 SCCA National Convention in Las Vegas, NVFor the third year in a row we'll be representing at the SCCA National Convention. Workers and leaders from all corners of the country (plus Guam and Puerto Rico!) will descend on the South Point Casino in Las Vegas for three days of meetings and socializing. We look forward to this event all year long - it's a great opportunity to meet the people who keep the wheels of the SCCA rolling. We'll have our booth as well as a few surprises that you won't want to miss whether you're a customer or not.

A tip for those who have yet to make hotel reservations - you can get a better deal than the SCCA convention rate by using We just made our reservations and saved an extra 20% like last year.

Watch for the return of the candy bowl but in a new, larger size!
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Topics: Travel

97% disappointed without


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

We ran a customer survey in June of this year and I have spent a few minutes looking over the results again this morning. There is one particular response that I am especially proud of:

Organizers would feel sad without us

96.8% of our customers, whether on our free or paid plans, would be disappointed if they couldn't use This means we're delivering on our promise to make volunteers even more awesome at their jobs by making it easier and more fun to organize and attend events.

We don't take this as carte blanche to put down the keyboard and ride off into the sunset though. In fact, since June we've rolled out a bevy of big-iron features like post-event registration editing, membership validation and surveys/elections. But we do take this as a compliment. And for that, we just want to say, we love you too. :)
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Topics: Misc

Processing SCCA Weekend Memberships


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

SCCA's Weekend Membership is an oft-maligned program that requires non-members to buy a temporary, five-day membership to participate in events like Autocross. The membership provides the same insurance that full SCCA members enjoy and it permits the holder to participate in as many SCCA events as they like during the five day period.

Buying the membership on-site requires filling out a form from which the organizer and attendee each retain a portion. The organizer manually builds a summary of the event and mails this info to SCCA National where someone enters the information by hand into the membership system. In the event that the weekend member becomes a full member, they will receive a $15 discount off their yearly dues.

This isn't the worst process in the world but it's certainly tedious. It also further back-loads organizers with more work on the day of the event instead of less. Particularly for single-day events like Autocross, RallyCross or Rallies, this can be a considerable burden. As a new program, it also means another training burden for volunteers and workers. Remittance Tool for SCCA Weekend Memberships

Enter the Weekend Membership remittance system. We released the feature in September to electronically remit SCCA weekend memberships. It was along with about fifty other changes so I wanted to take a moment to explain how our system is unique and how it benefits your region.

Going beyond automation

Eliminating all of the manual process was the first part of our solution. Using an inventory item for weekend memberships, organizers can quickly transmit the required data to SCCA National on demand before or after the event. The member profiles are automatically updated with the temporary membership number and expiration date. The region will receive their invoice from SCCA National without having to open a spreadsheet, lick a stamp or go to the post office.

We could have stopped there but with inspiration from Regional Executive Nick Hallman at SCCA South Carolina Region, we combined the remittance process with a call to action to help convert the weekend members to become full members. While fast cars and driving fast is an easy "product" to market, many car clubs struggle with moving candidates to members.

We automatically generate a certificate that highlights the benefits of becoming a member and how to redeem their weekend membership for a discount. Any attendee with a valid email address entered in will receive an email like this if their weekend membership is remitted electronically.

SCCA Weekend Membeship Certificate

We passed this by SCCA National for review and their comment was brief: "Looks good. Actually WOW, I'm impressed."

Try it on your next event and let us know how it works for you. Please pass us any feedback from attendees and we'll continue to improve it to help bolster your member numbers as we work to make your volunteer roles easier and more fun (and more effective!)
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Topics: Features

Hiring a Customer Support Master


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

We are looking to grow here at Pukka Software and add a customer support player to our team. The position has flexible hours and a remote work arrangement and puts you at the front-line of supporting more than 170 organizations who use and their members and attendees. We're a small company with a strong philosophy and your contribution will have a big impact. You must be the kind of person that owns a project and dominates it!

For those who fancy a job in a motorsports-related field but haven't done customer support before it is worth reiterating that not every call is a petrol-fueled romance that ends on the podium. From time to time the role requires providing difficult answers and charming rude type-A personalities. Those few instances are greatly outnumbered by the well-meaning callers from around the country who are genuinely thankful that a) we picked up the phone or returned their call (unlike certain competitors...) and b) have solved their problem or given them an answer.

We treat even the most inane of questions with sincerity and a positive attitude and you must do the same. Not everyone who uses is a geek like us but we help every last one of them get registered and manage events even if it means doing it for them.

Check out the job description and then drop us a note if you're interested!
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Bits and Pieces - August & September


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

This update is a two-fer: two months and twice the updates! There are some major improvements to since early August that impact all of our plans and introduce some important new features. I'll be brief so you can get through them all without too much reading.


Membership verification is now integrated into MotorsportReg.comA long-requested feature and major improvement to managing members is our new membership verification service. Premium plan customers can upload their member list as a CSV file and SCCA regions have real-time validation against their National database in Topeka. All plans can take advantage of the new form builder validation rules for validating club membership and region/chapter membership.

Registration date and status can be used for sorting detail reports. This allows organizers to create incremental reports without printing off duplicates.

Validation rule for vehicle make. PCA regions often limit attendance to Porsches only and this validation rule will enforce that restriction. You can provide a list of makes if you want to allow more than one.

SCCA Weekend Membership support. SCCA regions who accept Weekend Members (primarily autocross and rallycross) can now skip the paper forms and instead remit their weekend members electronically. Set up an inventory item for weekend memberships, make it part of a package on the order form and use the new tool to redeem In addition to saving time, the process also sends the registrant an email certificate that encourages them to redeem it for a full SCCA membership.

Street Survival events added to the calendar and restored our NASA events feed.

Introduced "No Show" Attendee Status. Useful for differentiating between people who cancel and those who don't show up. Many programs like to know who these trouble makers are. Also available in all of the reports as a filter.

August quickies:

  • Vehicles like racecars that don't have years can select "N/A" at the bottom of the year list

  • Add private notes (and therefore the Cancel date) to the Refunds and Credits manager to make it easier to determine who is owed money (hat tip to Starla McCauley from SCCA Cincinnati for the idea)

  • Clone event segments complete with classes, groups and class-group mappings (Mark passes out and Steve Davis from SCCA Atlanta does the happy dance)

  • Form builder now allows collapsing a node and its children as well as expanding the node and its children (hat tip Stacy King from Asphalt Ventures)

  • Billing tab for attendees now includes payment history for canceled registrations

  • Support merging member profiles with payment accounts on file to reduce the number of failed merges

  • Changed the deferred payment processing admin tool to pre-select New and Confirmed registrations to help prevent charging waitlisted or canceled registrations by accident


September is a great month - not only is it my birthday but both Mark and I went racing for a change (not at the same time, our business continuity plan prohibits it!) We also knocked out some other big items:

Highlighting groups and branches in the form builder layout paneWe continue to make our drag-and-drop WYSIWYG Registration Form Builder even better and more powerful. New styles help differentiate Groups and Branches and visually identify which children belong. This makes it easier to tell which items are mutually exclusive when placed on the form. Validation rules can now target a nested child! This is a big deal - it means you can hide your "may also be required" items so they won't appear to your attendees until the parent is selected. We also highlight the current node in the pop-up picker to make it easier to find your spot and all validation rule types can now have a custom error message to help you drive home your rules and requirements more clearly.

Reordering in the parts bin impacts the order everywhere else to give you maximum controlAnother big enhancement to the form builder is the ability to reorder the parts bin which will change the order of Questions and Packages everywhere else. On the attendee page. In reports. Everywhere. It used to be kind of random but now, if you have a bunch of questions or packages you would like to group together (say, a series of related questions), you can drag and drop them inside the Parts Bin as the screen shot shows.

Extend the REST API to get attendee lists. Using our API, you can now get your attendee list remotely for embedding in your own website. Hat tip to Mike Malsed at Formula RallyX for the request.

Updated our rich text editor to the all-new CKEditor 3.0. This is a major update that brings enhanced usability, a lightning-fast load time and the ability to insert a raw line break instead of a double-spaced paragraph (it's a long story, don't ask). It should also handle pasting from MS Word better than before. Be sure to use the "Paste from Word" icon with the little 'W' on the toolbar for best results!

Survey and Election answer typesSurveys and Elections! Premium plan customers can now run unlimited surveys and elections. Elections can be locked and anonymized providing secure secret ballots. Membership can be verified in the same way as the registration form described above. We also support a more advanced custom question with two new types available: essay/comment multi-line text boxes and Likert ratings plus working regular expression validation for the answers.

September Quickies:

  • Awhile back we combined a lot of our Javascript to make the page load faster. Unfortunately the script from was acting up and slowing down pages where it wasn't used. We've pulled it back out to improve the response time.

  • Updated to new Zero Dollar Authorizations for Visa credit card transactions. This replaces the $1 "ghost authorization" used to verify address and security code details before accepting a transaction and will reduce cardholder confusion.

  • Help content is getting close to done. Another week or so and we'll have our first online reference manual available 24/7. It's looking really good and most importantly will serve as a great foundation for all kinds of online help we have planned for the future.

  • Fixed bug in account options where enabling American Express cards did not actually work. Sorry about that!

With the 2009 season drawing to a close for many of our customers, we have a few more biggies we're planning to release before 2010 begins including registering multiple people with one account, bringing back our shared vehicle functionality and more. You can see the full roadmap on our internal Discussion forum.

On a personal note, I'll be out of the office from October 9th to 24th for my honeymoon in South Africa so development will take a short pause. If you have questions in the mean time don't hesitate to give a call at the office and Mark will get you squared away. Have a great October!
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Paypal introduces rolling reserves


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

Adding another check to the "reasons why Paypal isn't all that" column:

PayPal’s Pires says [...] reserves are typically 1% to 5% of PayPal sales, but can go as high as 20%. PayPal determines whether to require reserves based on risk associated with the type of product or service being sold, the merchant’s history of charge backs, and the length of time they’ve been PayPal sellers.

The furor from Paypal and Ebay merchants on this is pretty loud. Many merchants, with what sound like quite respectable records, are getting hit with 20% rolling reserves for 30-90 days. Making this relevant to our customers; I don't know a lot of car clubs that could deal with having 20-60% of the monies for an event held up for 30-90 days. Get the full story at
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Maintenance window for Saturday, August 22nd


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

We'll be performing security maintenance tomorrow, Saturday August 22nd from 9PM until 1AM on the 23rd (Pacific time), to implement recommended updates from our upstream software vendors. We expect the site to be unavailable for approximately 10-15 minutes during this window and will attempt to perform the updates sequentially around the cluster to minimize the impact.

If you need to track the progress or contact us during the work, you can follow our Twitter account as we post updates. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
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Street Survival events added to Calendar


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

The Tire Rack Street Survival program is one that is near and dear to our hearts here at world headquarters. It's an outgrowth of the BMW CCA Car Control Clinic program tailored for teenagers to keep them safe on the road. The statistics indicate they sorely need it:

"Last year, over 5,000 teenagers died in motor vehicle crashes, the leading killer of American youths aged 16 to 19, accounting for more than 40 percent of fatalities in that age bracket. To reduce this number, Tire Rack Street Survival® has developed a non-profit, national driver education program aimed at teaching teens the skills they need to stay alive behind the wheel."

There's a short 45-second video introduction that gives some idea as to the idea behind Street Survival:

This is a truly phenomenal program that has grown beyond the BMW CCA Foundation and is now backed by other motorsports groups such as the SCCA. While a lot of motorsports is about fun and glory, it's hard not to get excited about saving lives! That's why we are proud to be promoting Street Survival events on our national events calendar.

Street Survival events now listed on calendar!

They will also be included in our monthly calendar blasts which reach several thousand enthusiasts (and parents...) around the country.

If you have a teen or know someone with a teen, a one-day Street Survival course is the best $60 a parent can spend. Take two minutes, right now, and email five parents about this program!
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Topics: Misc

Bits & Pieces ChangeLog - Early July


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

While we announced our big update of post-registration editing and in-line vehicle updates recently, we also pushed out a smattering of other notable updates as well. We'll try to keep it short and sweet:

formbuildershotJune 1st-15th

  • Updated our corporate site with new screenshots, updated copy and added new pages to better describe what we do.

  • Since attendees can now add a vehicle right from the order form, we removed the "Add Vehicle" step from the new user registration to make initial sign up a bit faster and more appropriate for events not requiring vehicles like social events or fun runs.

  • Added a little AJAX to smooth out new user registration checks for existing email and username for a better user experience. Users will now see a green check or a red "X" and message if their selection is already in use.

  • Large organizations using deferred payment processing were sometimes seeing timeouts when our payment processor was slow. We've extended the timeout and added some smarts so it will pause rather than crash and burn..

  • Fixed a bug when trying to update notify-on-payment email addresses that would leave the address unchanged.

  • Removed the pagination from the Permanent Number listing to now show everyone in a single screen. This can also function as an ad-hoc report since we don't yet have a standalone report for a number pool.

  • Ran two surveys to hear how we can do better - one for attendees and another for organizers.

cdnpopsJune 16th-June 30th

  • Optimized our static assets (style sheets, javascript and images) following YSlow recommendations. Combined core Javascript and CSS files into single, compressed files. Moved everything over to Amazon's S3 service using a new hostname which parallelizes downloads to the browser and speeds up page loads. We've also improved the caching headers we send back to help your browser only fetch these items once for the next year.

  • We receive a lot of inquiries about the password reset process, particularly from AOL users. We spent a day rewording the process and updating the email and it's resulted in a significant drop in email and telephone inquiries.

  • Based on customer requests, we're helping organize an open source timing and scoring software project for Solo/Autocross. The working name is SoloTimer. If interested, drop in on the discussion list.

short_phoneJuly 1st-7th

  • We have a new phone system in the office with Polycom SoundPoint IP450s. We've been using VOIP since the company was founded but this upgrade, along with a new PBX, will let us better handle customer calls and direct people to the right resource quickly. Same number as always - 415.462.5603.

  • Resolved bug where editing a registration after the fact would not properly check branches with selected children or true/false questions with an answer.

  • On post-registration editing, don't forget you must enable it! Remember if you clone previous events, it will be disabled by default.

  • Updated site to address recent security vulnerability discovered July 2nd in FCKEditor, the WYSIWYG text editor we use on MSR.

  • We're (finally) planning a major online knowledge base and help center and we've got the foundation in place. We'll start writing content and recording screen casts shortly.

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AddThis widget performance update


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

addthis service breakdownA brief update on the AddThis widget we added in May - hundreds of links have been shared via social media services like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and more. This is why we're working to integrate with these services - more exposure, particularly via positive word-of-mouth - will generate more attendees and more members for your organizations. People will gladly tell their friends what they're up to if given an easy mechanism to do so. It's interesting to see the Facebook and Twitter dominance here. Is it that they have more users and clout or is it their users are more likely to be (or want to be) influencers among their peers?

AddThis widget expandedAre you using any social networking today to spread the word about your events? Is it working? Let us know what you're already doing so we can think about ways to help you do it easier, faster or better. Leave a comment below or drop us an email.
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