Webinar: More Automation with Validation Rules


August 12, 2013 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

Photo by Kyle WhitneyEver get frustrated with your attendees because they don't read your registration form and ignore all your directions?  Good news, setting up validation rules can help steer them down the right path and save you time.  Bad news, we still haven't cracked the code on making your attendees read what's in front of them!

Validation rules are a powerful way of checking for registration conditions and taking action. A broad selection of rules let you enforce specific rules and policies with great precision.  They are most commonly used for:
    • Enforcing race compliance fees
    • Requiring valid membership or preventing non-members from registering
    • Enforcing base and indexed/PAX classes for auto-cross
    • Verifying that a race transponder is on file
    • Checking the vehicle make for marque-specific events
    • Making sure guest names are filled out for additional tickets
    • And more!

 If you want to learn more, join our free webinar:

More Automation with Validation Rules
Friday, April 19th
10am PST/1pm EST

We'll teach you everything you need to know!

Join our Webinar

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Topics: Features, Webinar

[Webinar Recap]- 7 Killer Tips on Filling Your Events


January 22, 2025 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

A few weeks ago we hosted our most successful webinar yet, 7 Killer Tips on Filling Your Events.  And this past weekend we presented it again before a very enthusiastic crowd at the SCCA National Convention.  In case you missed it you can check out the recording here.  And you can download the slides here.

If you want to be notified of upcoming webinars sign up below!

YES! I want to hear about future  webinars and training courses.

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Topics: Marketing, Webinar

[Exclusive Webinar] 7 Killer Tips on Filling Your Events


January 22, 2025 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

photo by Chuck Schultz
How many of you have been in this situation?  You dedicate countless hours (usually on a volunteer basis) to put on an awesome driving event simply because you have a passion for motorsports.  But after you spend all that time and effort, you end up canceling your event or losing money because you didn’t get enough attendance.  Well we at MotorsportReg.com are here to help.

Over the past 10 years we’ve worked with nearly 400 different car clubs, sanctioning bodies, kart clubs, race tracks, and motorcycle clubs, and we’ve picked up a few tips on how to get more drivers attending your events.  We’ll share all the juicy details in our upcoming webinar:

7 Killer Tips on Filling Your Events
Friday, February 22, 2013
10 am PST/ 1 pm EST

It doesn’t matter if you’re running a club race, auto cross, concours, rally, drivers school or anything in between, this webinar will provide you with some tangible action-items that will help fill your event.  Register today to get in on the action!
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Topics: Webinar

[Webinar Recap] Time to Save Time- 6 Features to Get You to the Finish Line Faster


August 13, 2013 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

We’re happy to say that our first webinar of 2013 was a success!  What better way to start off the weekend than by learning how you can save time on event registration in order to do more important things; like perhaps cheer on our local San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl this weekend (go Niners!).

In case you missed it, here’s a brief overview of the 6 Features to Get You to the Finish Line Faster:

1. Private Landing Pages

All organizations on the Premium Plan are entitled to a private landing page with your own URL (yournamehere.motorsportreg.com). This page will always list your current MSR events.  No need to update anything.  We do it all for you!  And if you collect your membership dues using MSR, those “events” will be listed at the top of your page.

2. Deferred Payments

Using deferred payments is similar to using your credit card to book a hotel.  When you make your hotel reservation, you put your credit card on file to hold the reservation. And then once your stay is complete, your card is charged.  This same methodology can be used in MSR for an attendee to book a spot in an event.  Using deferred payments gives you the organizer the flexibility to charge the card whenever you want.  This can save you time from issuing refunds if an attendee cancels.  And generally, people register earlier and more often because there’s no penalty for cancelling which provides you more visibility into who’s attending your events.

3. Elections and Surveys

MSR provides an easy and confidential way for you to hold your elections online.  If you’re currently using paper ballots for your elections, this feature will save you time and money!  And our survey feature allows you to easily ask for feedback from your attendees and members.

4. Google Analytics Integration

Google Analytics does many things, but in general, it monitors your website traffic.  This valuable information can help you determine the best ways to market your events and get more attendees by telling you where your web traffic is coming from and what keywords people are searching for to find you.  You can integrate your events in MSR with Google Analytics which provides a wealth of information.  For example it can help you determine where people are coming from that register for your events.  We’re working on an e-book on how to effectively use Google Analytics and MSR, so keep your eyes posted to our blog!

5. Custom Member Types

Creating your own member types allows you to segment your database of members and then use that information to build reports, send emails or customize your registration form.  Some common member types that our users typically build include: volunteers, stewards, teens, workers, coach, T&S, F&C, solo approved drivers, etc.

6. Membership Validation

Rather than verify your members manually, you can use MSR to do it for you automatically.  We already have system integrations in place with the national organizations of SCCA, BMWCCA, PCA, Audi, and MBCA which makes this process much easier for you.  And if you don’t belong to one of those organizations, you can simply upload a member file to our system and we’ll verify against the file.

7. BONUS- Wordpress/Joomla Plugin

We couldn’t stop at just 6 time-saving features, so we threw in a bonus!  If your website is running on Wordpress or Joomla (60% chance it is) you can use our plugin to automatically list your events on your website.  No need to update or monitor.  The plugin does it all!

To see a recording of the webinar in its entirety, click on this link.  If you’re not already on our Premium Plan and are ready to take advantage of these features to save time in your event registration process, then sign up here and we’ll get you started!
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Topics: Features, Webinar

Exclusive Webinar: Time to Save Time- 6 Features to Get You to the Finish Line Faster


August 14, 2013 by Claire Lanyado

We're kicking off our webinar series this Friday with an in depth look at the best features included in the Premium plan. These are the features our top customers use to make their events more successful.

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Topics: Webinar

Webinar Recording Posted


August 14, 2013 by Claire Lanyado

photo of guy on a webinar by http://www.flickr.com/photos/rutty/Our first webinar was a success with 18 organizers coming to pick up tips and tricks from our first topic, "How to Use MotorsportReg.com Faster". Our goal is to improve your user experience and make organizing events easier and more fun. If you would like to view the recording, visit our Webinar Archives.
This is what we covered:
  • Keyboard shortcuts to help you navigate the site quickly
  • Making bulk changes to registrations
  • Saving and tailoring reports
  • How to send emails to people listed in reports
  • New Revenue Report
  • Onsite check in
  • Registering people manually as an administrator
  • Finding people who have used MSR but not participated with your organization
  • Assigning students to instructors

We will be doing more webinars in the future. We welcome your requests for what you would like to learn.  You can email us or post your comments below.

Interested in receiving updates on future webinars?  Sign up below:

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Topics: Webinar

How You Can Be Faster On MSR


August 14, 2013 by Claire Lanyado

We are presenting an interactive webinar series to help you use MSR. Each webinar will have a different subject, with time for questions and answers. This is a great opportunity for you to learn tips and tricks and cover areas where you need help. Brian will speak for about 25 minutes and then answer questions during the second half.

Our First MSR webinar is on July 3, 2012 at 10am Pacific Time / 1pm Eastern Time.

See the agenda below for our first webinar and join us for a great learning experience.

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Topics: Webinar

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