It's here. No, we really mean it. Two weeks ago, deferred payment processing went live in a silky smooth release on a lazy Sunday afternoon. We've been planning this feature literally for years starting with sketches dating back to 2005. The ability to control when attendees are charged - at the time of registration, at the cancel deadline, immediately before the event or even after the event is now available to all MotorsportReg.com users when upgrading to our
Premium Plan.
But that's hardly all... let's run through the changes:
Deferred Processing & Settlement

Once your account is switched to the premium plan, you'll see the following options for when to finalize registrations. We first started planning this feature over 18 months ago. There is a long list of technical hurdles to clear to provide this capability in a secure and robust manner. We're excited to introduce this first - no other motorsport registration service has this capability.

During registration, attendees enter their payment information like normal but rather than charge them on the spot, we'll simply verify their account and hold the data in our PCI DSS-compliant Secure Vault. This lets the payment settle much closer to the event as a benefit to the attendee.
As an organizer, you have two ways of flagging the payment for settlement: on a one-by-one basis while looking at an individual registration or in batch using the
new Payments tool. One click and every attendee will be settled excluding cancellations. You'll never cut a refund check again!
Void 'til EOD

When we charge a credit card, technically the card doesn't settle until we "close the batch". This happens automatically at midnight Pacific time. Until midnight, you can cancel a transaction with no fees and we've exposed this capability via the Void 'til EOD button (EOD = End of Day). You can use this to make adjustments or alternative arrangements with the attendee.
American Express

We've recently added American Express processing to round out our Visa, Mastercard, Discover and e-Check acceptance. There are some compelling reasons to add American Express: businesses report increased sales which might mean getting attendees off the fence and into your events. If you're interested in American Express, contact us for details.
Check or Cash? You decide.

Some organizations want more detail in their payment report and we listened. You can now use our offline payment capability to record cash and check payments as well as arbitrary credit or discount amounts. This increased flexibility makes balancing your registrations easier and faster with more ad-hoc capability letting registrars and organizers bypass some of the restrictions that impact attendees. You can also edit credit and discount payments in case an adjustment is needed or you make a mistake.
Outstanding Credit Report

And released just this week to much rejoicing from treasurers around the country, the outstanding credit report will list all in-system credits that have yet to be redeemed. If you're tracking your outstanding credits as revenue on your books, this report will make it easier to reconcile year to year as well as monitor who has credit remaining.
Want a taste?
You don't have to beg. All of this is available on MotorsportReg.com today. If you're interested in upgrading, just give us a call or drop an email and we'll upgrade your account on the spot.