We outgrew our previous design
Second is moving the news/blog to this site. Although we converted all of the content, unfortunately we lost comments in the process. We're sorry about that and we won't be switching again so please do leave us feedback - we love to trade thoughts with you.
Lastly and most importantly is an update to our plans and pricing. Where before we basically had "Limited Trial" and "Full", there are now three options to choose from starting with a fully-featured and supported FREE plan. When MyAutoEvents dropped support for free customers recently, we realized that every organizer deserves these tools so they can continue to enjoy their passion. The free plan is open to any organizer who wants to take online registration without integrated payments. You can accept on-site payment, check, cash or some other means like Paypal and you won't owe us a dime.
No, there's really no catch! Only MotorsportReg.com, a full-time business with multiple people on staff, can support an effort like this and do it right.
We are also offering a new Premium plan that offers features not available anywhere else including deferred payment processing. This will give registrars the ability to authorize a credit card at time of registration but hold off on charging the card until some later date like time of confirmation or just after an event. Our racing customers have clamored for this feature to avoid charging their attendees card far in advance of an event and then dealing with refunds and cancellations after the fact. In one fell swoop, we've changed the game. Now you charge the card when you are ready to and not a minute before.
There are some additional fees from Visa/Mastercard as well as overhead necessary to make this secure and reliable so we've added a slightly higher price point to support it. There are no changes for our existing customers but we now offer an upgrade path for those organizations who need the ultimate in control.
There has been a lot of work in the background lately and our mission is crystal clear: make events easier and more fun to organize and attend.