Organizations hosting competitive events like autocross/ autoslalom, club/ pro racing, and karting must enter attendee registration data into their timing and scoring system in order to run their event. Any T&S official or volunteer will tell you this job can be challenging!
With that in mind, we built reports that integrate directly with multiple scoring systems not only saving you time but also dramatically improving accuracy. Because our reports can select which fields are included, the order from left to right, and the export format, our system allows you to export data compatible with countless scoring systems.
To make it even easier, we've created one-click reports with two of the most popular scoring systems:
- MyLaps Orbits (AMB)
- AxWare
Our one-click report generates a data file ready to import directly into MyLaps Orbits and AxWare. Read more about our MyLaps Orbits solution in our integration guide.
We also have a direct integration with autocross software AXti.me via our REST API. No importing or exporting is required.
And with the ability to export tab-separated and comma-separated files from MotorsportReg, we support most other scoring software packages including the following:
- Pronto Timing System
- Trackside Software
- AutoX/TS
- Accucros
So skip the headaches and start using our tools for your next event.