Social Media

Surveys & Elections
- Voter report - Election result pages now list who voted along with member number; the actual vote is still kept secret. If alternative forms of votes are accepted such as paper ballots, this enhancement allows organizations to self-audit individuals are only voting once.
- Proper multi-pick tallies - If you have questions which accept multiple answers, you may have seen results in your bar charts like "Answer1,Answer2" alongside "Answer1" and "Answer2". We now properly tally them individually.


- Redeemed credits report - gives treasurers a list of all redeemed credits, amounts and dates. Complements our outstanding credits report for a complete picture of financial liabilities.
- Unique ID - Added new auto-generated unique ID to member profiles which is now available in all reports. Use this ID for barcodes (such as for Autocross timing and scoring) or integration with third party systems where you need a consistent unique identifier. The value will be the same for each attendee regardless of which organization they are participating with so you can count on it being unique across
- SCCA Tech form prints on one page - Our production servers were scaling the full-page official SCCA tech form leading to blank pages between each form and wasting paper. That's not very Californian of us! Tech details available here for the morbidly curious.
- Numeric precision increased - Numeric answers to custom or club questions now display up to 10 digits instead of 6 and padding has been eliminated.

- Venue Maps - added regional maps to event listings and dashboards to help visually orientate event locations. If the user is logged in, clicking the map will give them driving directions from their address (on file) to the venue.
- Generate usernames for organizer-created accounts - when organizers create a profile for an attendee who registers by mail, phone or on site, we do not automatically create a username and password. This led to confusion when the participant tried to register and found their email address already in the system but that they don't have a username. We now automatically generate default login credentials as part of the password recovery process for these profiles.
Form Builder & Registration Form
- Error handling - Improved error handling and alerts if an item cannot be reordered or deleted
- Number pool performance - Improved performance of number pools on registration form for attendees, renders faster now
Provided complete PHP example with caching for listing a calendar of events.