With the recent Atlanta Region upgrade from a competitor to MotorsportReg.com, I was on hand to evangelize the benefits of our service to the rest of the regions of the SEDiv. I had a thoroughly great time, both during the day with folks like NA of Registration Wanda Cecil and DA of Registration Betsy Speed, as well as at the banquet sitting with Atlanta chief staff Tere Pulliam and Butch Kummer as well as Howard Duncan from SCCA National and Glen Thompson, the RE for Blue Ridge Region. They are an entertaining bunch which came in handy since the banquet ran five hours long!
It was great to put a face to many of the people we've spoken to over the past couple of years and I punctuated the weekend with South Carolina Region signing on to convert their solo, time trials and club racing programs to MotorsportReg.com. Do-everything-for-everyone Regional Executive Nick Hallman finally relented and let us give him a hand! :) We'll be carrying some of the load starting with permanent number and season subscription registration for his solo program starting next week which we're excited about.
Lots of more new customer news to come!