Create a Pit Map Using Our API


May 30, 2014 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

In case you didn't know, we've got some very clever organizers out there.  One of them is Jeremy Plance- Software Developer by day and Webmaster/ Communications Director for Team Continental by night.  He recently used our API to build a pit map interface which allows attendees to reserve paddock space.  He is graciously allowing us to share his project with you.


"As a club, we are only hosting a single weekend event this year, and because of the location of our Home track, have been trying to come up with new ways to encourage fellow racers to commit to our event.  One suggestion we received in the past was a better/ easier way to reserve paddock spaces.

Since I had recently taken over the webmaster/ communications director position, I was asked if I could design some sort of system to reserve paddocks spaces.  The original idea was to build something independent of the registration process, but after playing around with the MSR API, I found I could get the information I needed from the registration process.

How it works

The basics is that I created a number pool that is the "pit spaces", and then assigned those to it's own group that is just used for paddock reservations.  I can then pull this information from the API in real time.  Then I just built a page using JQuery/ Javascript to draw the map and indicate when a spot is taken and who is in the spot.

So far, the response has been excellent, though there was some teething issues from it's first version.  But after several revisions based on feedback from those who will use it, I feel it covers everyone's needs.  The great thing about it, is it's all right there for the user when they register; they can find out where their friends are pitted, where the big trucks will be, and so on.  So then everyone has a good idea of what it's going to be like when they show up on Friday or Saturday morning.

In the end, I enjoyed the problem solving and finding a new way to use the same tools we had used for years.  There are some other things I am doing in MSR, but I can't give away all my secrets.  It's been a great project that I can't wait to see what the final response is when people show up to the event!"

Pretty genius huh?  We love to see our organizers doing things in new and interesting ways.  Keep up the good work Jeremy!

And of course register for Team Continental's Bruce Baggett Grand Prix II - Bruce's Revenge event on July 25 through 27 at Oregon Raceway Park to see Jeremy's hard work in action.

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