Meet the Team


October 10, 2013 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

You might be surprised to learn that we manage nearly 550 customers with just four team members.  Or some of you might be surprised to hear there's more than just two of us. Either way, here we are!


From left to right: Brian, Ann, Stacy, Jennifer

While our headquarters are near Sonoma Raceway (AKA Sears Point) in San Rafael, California, our team works remotely. We dedicate one week a year to get together to talk shop, plan strategy and just hang out. And last week was the week.

We took some groups shots of the team for a homepage redesign we have in the works (coming soon!), so I thought I'd share one of the good ones with you. Now you can put a face to the name!

Hattie_MSRAlthough she didn't make it to the annual get-together, I have to include our Director of Human Resources, Hattie. She's very particular about these things.  Find out more about who we are and why we're doing this.


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