Event setup refresher video


February 26, 2015 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

refresherWow can you believe it's already the end of February! By now you should have your venues and dates secured for the 2015 season. Next step- get your events on our calendar. We already have 1,814 events listed and as we say every year, the earlier you get your events listed the better!

Now if you only run a handful of events in MotorsportReg and it's been awhile, you may find yourself logged into your account and then wondering what to do next. Let us help you out! We created a short video that's meant to clear out the cobwebs and provide you with a crash course in event set up.



We've posted this video on your Events page within MotorsportReg and in the help documentation so you can reference it anytime. And we've also created an event setup checklist complete with links and in-depth information to make sure you cross your T's and dot your I's.

If after you watch the video you're still staring at your screen wondering what to do, give us a call or send us an email. We're always here to help.

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