Are Your Attendees (Even the Older Ones) Using Social Media? YES, YES, YES!!!


August 12, 2013 by Jennifer Ghidinelli

Social Media
Our customers are always looking for creative ideas to promote their events and increase attendance.  Back in February we hosted a webinar called 7 Killer Tips on Filling Your Events and it was our best-attended webinar to date.  Some of the cheapest and most effective promotion tools out there are through social media.  Is this a good idea for your organization?

Let’s face it, attendees at the types of motorsport events our customers put on, in general, skew a little older.  We hear it all the time, “my attendees don’t use computers.”  Or “my attendees don’t look at Facebook.”  In fact the opposite is true.  According to a report released by the PewResearch Center, as of December 2012

67% of online adults use social networking sites!

That number is staggering!  And if you looker deeper into the numbers you’ll find that it’s not just young people cruising these sites.  Here are the stats for the number of internet users by age that are using social media networking sites:

  • Ages 30 to 49- 77%
  • Ages 50 to 64- 52%
  • Ages 65+- 32%

So the next time you consider forgoing Facebook or Twitter to promote your event because your attendees aren't on these sites, think again!

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