3.1.0, support forums, avatars, trial mode


June 11, 2013 by Brian Ghidinelli

We released version 3.1.0 today which brought a lot of significant changes. The largest is the addition of a new trial or limited access account which does not accept online payments. This allows an event organizer to use MotorsportReg.com (with a couple of limitations) completely free.

We also upgraded our internal forums package to Galleon 1.5 from Ray Camden.

We have a number of our own tweaks added to it like Textile markup from Pete Freitag and support for Gravatars, a globally accessible avatar.

This release continues to confirm for me that open source software and "Web 2.0" style services make it easier to build high-quality applications. Instead of building our own infrastructure for uploading, resizing and storing images, we let our users sign-up once at Gravatar and use their avatar all over the web. Plus, Gravatar gives us a rating for the content of the avatar to prevent inappropriate material from showing up in our forums.

Our 3.1.x tree has a number of important changes coming and we have a pretty aggressive release schedule for the next 3 months as we add new features and refine existing ones.

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