Pit Stop- Setting Limits on Items


August 14, 2013 by Ann Boss Maycock

photo by Bambi851 @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/bambi851/

Q: How do I set a limit on the number of items available?
A: You can set limits in two ways:
  • Per event- ie: the total number of lunches available at the event is 100
  • Per registration- ie: the total number of lunches each person can purchase is 2
To set a per event limit you change the purchase limit at the inventory level. To set a per registration limit you change the purchase limit at the package level.  Let’s look at a couple of examples.

Per Event Limit- Change Inventory Level

We want to limit the total number of lunches we’re selling at the event to 100.  We have already created a package called Lunch and linked the inventory item Lunch to that package.  In order to set the Lunch inventory limit to 100, we do the following:
  1. Select the Lunch package from the parts bin.
  2. Use the Edit tab in the right-hand part of the screen.
  3. Change the quantity of the Lunch inventory item to 100 and click Save.

Per Event Limit

Per Registration Limit- Change Package Level

We want to limit the total number of lunches an attendee can purchase to 2.  We have already created a package called Lunch and linked the inventory item Lunch to that package.  In order to set the Lunch package limit to 2, we do the following:
  1. Select the Lunch package from the parts bin.
  2. Use the Edit tab in the right-hand part of the screen.
  3. Change the purchase limits of the package to Max=2.

Per Registration Limit
For additional information about setting per event limits, check out our easy-to-use help documentation here.  And for more information about setting per registration limits, our help documentation explains it here.

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