Over the last several months you've likely been working hard to prepare for this season's events, coordinating dates, setting schedules, confirming commitments, signing contracts, and it's finally all come together. Now it's time for the rubber to meet the road -- you need to get your events set up on MotorsportReg and pronto!
If it's been awhile since you've set up an event in MSR, we wanted to make things a little easier for you. We created a quick 7 minute refresher video that serves as a crash course on event setup. We've put it on your Events page in MotorsportReg and in the Help documentation so you can refer to it at anytime.
It's intended to help you clear out the cobwebs and get back to your mid-season stride. Think of it is as the pace lap before your big event. We've even created an event set-up checklist for your post-video viewing reference -- complete with links to more in-depth information.
So, sit back, relax and know that we've got you covered. In no time you'll be ready to cruise through setting up this season's events.