One of the most requested reporting features that we have received is the ability to view a report that effectively and seamlessly pulls data across multiple events. Being able to do this will allow you to analyze how certain events performed financially compared to others, see participation across events, and track other organizational metrics for future decision making. Now available for Premium customers on the Reports page within MSR are four new cross-event reports!
Cross-Event Summary Report
In the Cross-Event Summary Report, you can select a group of events to view high-level details to see the overall health of your events. You can view details around the registration count, cancelled registration count, payments due, Total Orders and the Total payments per event, and how many first timers you have coming. You can also navigate directly to the event settings from the report to take action.
Cross-Event Participation Summary Report
The Cross-event participation summary report also allows you to select a group of events, but this report will show you all the participants within the selected events. This report can be filtered by member status, member types and if the participant has a payment due. It will show you how many times each participant registered within the selected events, how many times they cancelled, if any have payments due, their order totals, their payment totals, if they were a first timer with your organization and how many years they participated with your organization across the selected range.
Cross-Event Registration Participation Detail Report
This report is a deeper look into the registrations within the selected group of events. This report will show you similar data to the above summary report but will show individual line items per event registration, per participant, allowing you to see what the owe, their registration status, and any notes associated to them.
Cross-Event Entry Participation Detail Report
Going even further into the details, the entry participation detail report will show you individual line items for each participant and each of their entries. It also has data for each specific entry, showing you what Segments, Class, Group, Vehicle information is associated with each entry, as well as the order and payment information similar to the above report.
In all the participation reports you are able to email the participants in the report, a great way to perform outreach to a specific group for marketing, event or venue specific communications! You can also dive deeper into their profile from the reports to take action on your findings.
Check them out today in your Reports page and let us know if you have any questions!