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Charge waitlisted registrations and child-profile cards

Posted by Nicole Papadopoulos on Mar 15, 2024 9:27:47 AM
🆕 Waitlisted registrations now collect a payment method so you can charge as soon as they clear the waitlist.
🆕 When registering a child profile, attendees can now select saved payment methods from both their account and the child's account. This eliminates the need to reenter payment information already stored on the child's account. Organizers will still continue to only see payment details of the profile being registered.
🐞 Users could add the same card on file repeatedly. We de-duped 1000s of existing accounts and block future dupes to keep their list of cards short and unique.
🐞 Credit cards were incorrectly collected for organizations using our Standard Plan which does not offer payment processing.

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